Hey there! Are you using SonarQube Community Edition and missing the branch analysis feature that’s only available in the paid versions? Don’t worry – I’ll show you how to add this functionality to your setup. With a community plugin and Docker, you’ll have it running in no time!
Quick Disclaimer First
Before we dive in, a quick heads-up: The plugin we’ll be using isn’t officially from SonarSource – it’s a community project under the GNU LGPL v3 license. If you’re planning to use this for large, business-critical projects, you might want to check out the official Developer Edition. But for most projects, this solution works perfectly fine!
What You’ll Need
– Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine
– Git
– A Bash shell (Git Bash works fine on Windows)
– Basic Docker knowledge is helpful
Let’s Get Started!
1. Setting Up the Project
First, create a directory for your project:
mkdir sonarqube-docker cd sonarqube-docker
2. Configuration Files
Let’s start with the .env file. This is where you set the versions you want to use:
Next up is the docker-compose.yml. It’s a bit longer, but don’t worry – you won’t need to modify anything:
services: sonarqube: depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - SONARQUBE_VERSION=${SONARQUBE_VERSION} - BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION=${BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION} container_name: sonarqube ports: - "9000:9000" networks: - sonarnet environment: - SONAR_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/sonar - SONAR_JDBC_USERNAME=sonar - SONAR_JDBC_PASSWORD=sonar volumes: - sonarqube_conf:/opt/sonarqube/conf - sonarqube_data:/opt/sonarqube/data db: image: postgres:16 healthcheck: test: [ "CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U sonar" ] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5 hostname: db container_name: postgres networks: - sonarnet environment: - POSTGRES_USER=sonar - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=sonar volumes: - postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql - postgresql_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data volumes: sonarqube_conf: sonarqube_data: postgresql: postgresql_data: networks: sonarnet:
Now for the Dockerfile – this is where we integrate the plugin into the SonarQube image:
ARG SONARQUBE_VERSION FROM sonarqube:${SONARQUBE_VERSION} ARG BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION # Copy the plugin COPY plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar /opt/sonarqube/extensions/plugins/ ARG PLUGIN_VERSION ENV PLUGIN_VERSION=1.23.0 ENV SONAR_WEB_JAVAADDITIONALOPTS="-javaagent:./extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar=web" ENV SONAR_CE_JAVAADDITIONALOPTS="-javaagent:./extensions/plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar=ce"
3. Helper Scripts
The download-plugin.sh script automatically fetches the plugin for you:
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p plugins curl -L -o plugins/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar \ https://github.com/mc1arke/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin/releases/download/${BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION}/sonarqube-community-branch-plugin-${BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION}.jar
And the start.sh script makes launching everything super easy:
#!/bin/bash # Check if .env exists if [ ! -f .env ]; then echo "Error: .env file not found!" exit 1 fi # Load and export environment variables export $(cat .env | grep -v '^#' | xargs) # Check if required variables are set if [ -z "$SONARQUBE_VERSION" ] || [ -z "$BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION" ]; then echo "Error: Required environment variables are not set!" echo "Please check SONARQUBE_VERSION and BRANCH_PLUGIN_VERSION in .env file" exit 1 fi # Download plugin ./download-plugin.sh # Start Docker Compose docker-compose up -d
4. Almost There!
Make the scripts executable:
chmod +x download-plugin.sh start.sh
5. Launch Time!
Now just run the start script:
The script takes care of everything for you:
– Checks if all settings are correct
– Downloads the plugin
– Starts the Docker containers
6. Your SonarQube is Ready
After a few seconds, you can access SonarQube:
– URL: http://localhost:9000
– Login: admin
– Password: admin (you’ll need to change this on first login)
Using Branch Analysis
Now you can use branch analysis in your projects. Just specify the branch name when running a scan:
sonar-scanner \ -Dsonar.projectKey=my-awesome-project \ -Dsonar.branch.name=feature/new-feature
Common Issues and Solutions
1. SonarQube won’t start? Check the logs:
docker-compose logs sonarqube
2. On Linux, you might need this setting:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
3. Plugin not found? Check the plugins directory:
ls -l plugins/
Wrapping Up
That’s all there is to it! You now have a fully functional SonarQube installation with branch analysis. I’m using this setup myself for various projects and it works great.
Remember: For larger enterprises, the Developer Edition might be the better choice. But for most projects, this solution is more than adequate!
Useful Links
– The Community Branch Plugin on GitHub
– Official SonarQube Documentation
– SonarQube on Docker Hub